How Much Do DJs Get Paid?

How Much Do DJs Get Paid?

Dropping killer tunes is a reward in itself for DJs, but money talks, and we all need to make it! If you’re considering becoming a professional DJ, you may wonder if the earning potential is enough to allow you to do something you love for a living! Here at...
Make ANY Speaker Wireless! – Xvive U3 Review

Make ANY Speaker Wireless! – Xvive U3 Review

Wireless audio technology has made life more convenient. Just not yet for DJs! Here we look at the Xvive U3, designed to make any XLR audio kit cable-free, to see if this has finally changed! The number one reason DJs do not use wireless sound equipment professionally...
Stanton STX – Portable Scratch Turntable

Stanton STX – Portable Scratch Turntable

Stanton spin back into the game, promising to take portabilism to the next level with an awesome new scratch turntable!After years absent from the scene, these industry veterans return with an exciting new device that does it all. The first no-compromise portabilist...


If you are in the market for your first DJ controller, you may be considering the popular and affordable DDJs from Pioneer DJ, such as the black and orange FLX4 and REV1, both of which were released in 2022. While they have many similar features, they also have some...