May 24, 2017 | Blog, DJ Advice, Free DJ Lessons
Using the SYNC button to DJ Using the SYNC button is one of the biggest and most controversial debates in the DJ industry. We’re going to look at what SYNC actually is, why its so debated and give you our opinion on this feature. Over the years as technology has...
Apr 10, 2017 | Beginner, Blog, Free DJ Lessons, Rekordbox, Serato, Tutorials
How to get started scratching on your DJ equipment! Learning to scratch on a controller can be done but there is one setting you’re going to need to change before getting started! Don’t believe anyone who says you need to turntables to be able to scratch....
Apr 10, 2017 | Beginner, Blog, Free DJ Lessons, Rekordbox, Serato, Tutorials
What is key lock? Key lock is such a simple but useful feature for DJs to take advantage of. It’s built into all digital DJ software’s and all CDJ set ups. Watch the video below for an in depth look at what key lock is and how to activate it on your DJ...
Mar 28, 2017 | Blog, Free DJ Lessons
From House to Hip Hop in one mix! Being able to transition between genres is a vital skill for a lot of DJs. You may find that the crowd isn’t feeling what you’re playing but you’re unsure of how to mix into another genre. Here is just one technique...
Feb 21, 2017 | Free DJ Lessons, Lead Pages, Tutorials
Using Slip Mode Make the most of the slip mode and experiment with your music in the mix. We use a Numark Mixtrack Pro 3 with Serato DJ in this lesson however the technique can be applied to nearly any DJ set-up. If you use Traktor this is called Flux mode. For...